Archive | July 2012

Even Dogs Deserve Delectables!

I am writing this post in honor of my featured artist for the week on my website- Nora Bartlett with Lollypaws Dog Bakery. I found the cutest 4th of July dog treat gift box in her shop that made me just laugh out loud while thinking of how much my dogs would LOVE something like this! My dogs aren’t very spoiled- key word “very”. My dogs get to sleep inside (not something most of my dogs as a child got to experience). They get to eat the occasional leftovers from our dinner plates. They get to run around our property for hours chasing birds, gophers, and our goats and pig. And our dogs get a treat before we leave the house each day. That’s not too spoiled is it? The way I figure it: Even dogs deserve to have a delectable moment!

I am definetaly saving Nora’s shop information for future reference. For example- we may decide to celebrate one of our dogs’ birthdays! 🙂 Or Christmas boxes would be great!!! Why don’t you check out the information I posted for Nora here: You can also visit her Etsy shop directly…

Happy 4th and hope your pooches enjoy the day too! Let Nora know I sent you!